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book brilliance publishing



By Brenda Dempsey

The Three Types of Authors: From Curiosity to Commitment

Ah, the journey of becoming an author—it’s as thrilling as it is transformative. But before the ink hits the page (or the keyboard), every aspiring author falls into one of three categories: The Curious Author™, The Contemplative Author™, and The Committed Author™.

Each stage represents a unique mindset, level of commitment, and outlook on the writing and publishing process. So, let’s unpack these three author archetypes and why they matter—especially if you’re considering making Book Brilliance Publishing (BBP) your partner in brilliance.

  1. The Curious Author™: Dipping a Toe in the Book Writing Pool

The Curious Author is the dreamer at the start of their journey. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, or perhaps you’ve just been inspired by a friend or mentor who did. Either way, your head is buzzing with ideas, and you’re dipping your toe into the vast ocean of possibilities.

Here’s the thing: Curious Authors have a million questions, and that’s okay.

  • What should I write about?
  • Who is my audience?
  • Do I need a literary agent?
  • What’s a hybrid publisher, anyway?

This stage is about exploring. You’re Googling furiously, reading blogs like this one (hello!), and trying to figure out where to start. It’s exciting—but also overwhelming.

Why This Stage Matters:
Curiosity is the spark that ignites the author’s journey. Without it, the dream of writing a book stays just that—a dream. But the key is turning curiosity into action, and that’s where BBP comes in. We’ve helped countless authors navigate the 101 questions and channel that initial spark into a clear path forward.

  1. The Contemplative Author™: Taking a Deeper Dive

The Contemplative Author has moved beyond curiosity and is ready to explore the mechanics of writing and publishing. You’re serious enough to start asking the bigger questions:

  • What’s the best publishing route for me?
  • Do I self-publish, go traditional, or choose a hybrid publisher?
  • How much time, energy, and investment will this take?

This stage often requires courage. Contemplative Authors™ recognize that writing a book is a significant undertaking, but they’re willing to invest in themselves to explore what’s possible.

Why a Hybrid Publisher is Your Best Friend Here:
Contemplative Authors tend to gravitate toward hybrid publishing—and for good reason. Here’s why BBP’s hybrid model is the perfect fit:

  1. Creative Control: Unlike traditional publishing, you retain complete creative control over your book. Your voice, your vision, your story—exactly as you want it.
  2. 100% Copyright: At BBP, the copyright is yours—no handing over your life’s work to someone else.
  3. Guided Expertise: While self-publishing means going it alone, hybrid publishing gives you access to industry experts who walk with you every step of the way.

At this stage, Contemplative Authors benefit from partnering with a publisher like BBP, who can answer questions, provide guidance, and offer tailored support. It’s not just about publishing—it’s about finding your stride as an author.

  1. The Committed Author™: All In and Ready to Shine

The Committed Author is the ultimate powerhouse. They’ve moved beyond curiosity and contemplation to fully embrace the dream of becoming an author. This stage is marked by action and determination.

You’re not just writing a book—you’re building a legacy, establishing authority, and leveraging your book as a business tool. You understand that your book isn’t just a product; it’s a platform.

What Sets the Committed Author Apart:

  • Authority: Writing a book puts you in a position of authority in your field. It’s no coincidence that “author” is part of the word. Your book becomes a business card, a credibility booster, and a way to attract clients.
  • Client Attraction: With your book in hand, you’re no longer chasing clients—they’re coming to you. Your book does the heavy lifting, showcasing your expertise and drawing people into your world.
  • Legacy: Committed Authors don’t just write books; they leave a mark. Your book is a timeless piece of your story, something that will live on and continue to inspire long after it’s written.

At BBP, we specialize in helping Committed Authors bring their vision to life. From expert editing to impactful marketing strategies, we’re your pit crew, ensuring you cross the finish line in style.

Which Type of Author Are You?

Whether you’re Curious, Contemplative, or Committed, every author’s journey is unique—and equally valid. Each stage has its challenges, triumphs, and lessons.

The key is knowing where you are right now and taking the next step forward. That’s where Book Brilliance Publishing comes in. With a proven track record of turning business owners into world-class authorpreneurs, we’ve got the tools, expertise, and passion to help you navigate every stage of your journey.

So, which type of author are you today—and which type do you want to become tomorrow?

Pro Tip: Wherever you are on the author spectrum, start by booking a call with BBP. We’ll answer your questions, clarify your goals, and show you how to make your book a reality. Because no matter your stage, one thing’s for sure: the world is waiting for your story.

And remember, you drive, we navigate, and together, we accelerate your success. 🚀