The seed of an idea is sown in our mind. Is geminated with the heat of effort and watered sometimes with the tears of recall.
We may feel it will never see the light of day but assisted with experts, the first shoots appear. Then we celebrate with others what we have created in a book launch.
As with the birth of any great venture, creation is only the beginning. For our book to have sales longevity, its development needs to be nurtured.
There are 3 key elements to ensure a book gains a loyal audience.
CREATIVITY – How do you promote your book and make it relevant to your audience? The ideal is to be interviewed on TV and radio. There is also local radio where they are always hungry for compelling content.
There are podcasts, presenting to a live audience, articles, and blogs posted on social media. The keys are:
- Knowing how to engage your audience.
- Having a clear message.
- Presenting that message with power and impact.
CONTINUITY – To consistently share your message through the media via videos, compelling articles, comments on other people’s posts.
CONGRUENCY – What you say, how you say it and how you look when you say it, must be congruent and demonstrate your passion for what you have written.
The profile you present to the world must be authentic and demonstrate why you can be trusted to take them on the journey you have mapped out for them. Gain reviews and testimonials from others.
Third-party confirmations, through video and written testimonials, are the keys to more sales.