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book brilliance publishing


By Brenda Dempsey

You may get to a point in building awareness of yourself as an author, and marketing your book, and you’ll start to ask, ‘Why should I be on social media?’ Or, you may be starting a business and asking, ‘Should I be on social media?’

Here are five reasons why you should be on social media and to remind you if you’ve forgotten.

1) Every Pound Packs a Punch

Return on investment (ROI). Everyone’s favourite term when it comes to marketing. One of the most appealing arguments in support of social media activity is its low cost. Most social media platforms are free to use. Many platforms have now introduced tools to help authors promote their book, as a product, for a comparatively low price. The online price; time.

2) Learn & Adapt

If you’re not getting the reaction you want from your social media posts, you can tweak your posts the next time to find a style that suits your brand and pleases your followers. Learn about your customers and potential customers in the space of hours.

3) Express Yourself.

The clue is in the name; social. It’s a place where you can have more fun with your brand as an author, show a different side to yourself as an author and interact with your following in a personal way. People buy into people, so show your human side.

4) Find Your People

It’s an excellent way to find customers, build a community who care about and feel invested in your book and story. You may be surprised who wants and likes your book. Never guess – let the facts show you.

5) Take Over The World

As of 2018 there are over 2 billion users on Facebook, over 1 billion active users on Instagram and over 300 million active users on Twitter. This potential reach is a big challenge for traditional advertising, even for multi-million-pound companies with huge advertising budgets.

If you’ve been considering joining the fascinating world of social media, the time is definitely now. And if you’re worried about it being another job to add to your list of things to do, then don’t worry because there any many support services and training courses available. Of course, if you are already using social media and not getting anything from it, then we recommend award-winning social media service Social Fireworks Ltd.

Enjoy bringing yourself as an author to life on social media!